SomeActivities linked with

Some meals prepared using recipes from the British Heart Foundation.


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Mrs Serena Somerville Cert EYP

Quality Assured

Uncollected Child


Offering Government funded Early Education as well as Great Quality Personal Home from Home Childcare!

Not ‘just’ a Childminder Serena is a certified Early Years Practitioner delivering the Governments Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum to 0 - 5 year olds.

Serena is a qualified Early Years Practitioner who works closely with Dorset County Council and other Early Years providers.

Procedure if a child is not collected


If a child is not collected within 15 minutes of the agreed collection time, I will try calling the parents’ contact numbers.


Then I will try the emergency contact numbers.


During this time, I will continue to safely look after the child.


I will continue to try the parents’ contact numbers and emergency numbers, but if I have heard nothing after 30 minutes from the original agreed collection time, I will then inform the local authority duty social worker.


I may charge an additional fee for late collection.


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