SomeActivities linked with

Some meals prepared using recipes from the British Heart Foundation.


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Mrs Serena Somerville Cert EYP

Quality Assured

Risk Assessment


Offering Government funded Early Education as well as Great Quality Personal Home from Home Childcare!

Not ‘just’ a Childminder Serena is a certified Early Years Practitioner delivering the Governments Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum to 0 - 5 year olds.

Serena is a qualified Early Years Practitioner who works closely with Dorset County Council and other Early Years providers.

Risk Assessment


It is my policy to keep children safe by assessing any risks to their safety whilst allowing them the opportunity to take measured risks to support their learning and development.


Procedure (how I put the statement into practice)

In order to do this I will ensure that:

I check my home and garden every morning before the minded children arrive to ensure that it is a safe environment for the children to play in.


I risk assess any environment that I take the children into, for example, walking to school; the shops; library; and toddler groups etc. If I am planning to take the children into environments that are unknown to me I will try to do a risk assessment in advance so I am aware of any potential hazards. 


I assess any risks and hazards when using transport and take action when necessary to minimise any accidents or incidents.

Where appropriate, I have written risk assessments.  These detail:

  • the environment to be checked
  • the hazards
  • who might be harmed and how
  • what I am doing now
  • what further action is required
  • frequency of checks
  • I also include a review date and review when there is a significant change in my setting.


    My activities will be well planned and organised. I will plan for the unique needs of each child depending on their age and stage of development, allowing children the freedom to explore, develop concepts and learn how to predict and avoid dangerous situations.

    This policy also links with my Accident and Emergency procedures, Health and Safety, and Outings policy.


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