SomeActivities linked with

Some meals prepared using recipes from the British Heart Foundation.


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Mrs Serena Somerville Cert EYP

Quality Assured

Alcohol & drugs


Offering Government funded Early Education as well as Great Quality Personal Home from Home Childcare!

Not ‘just’ a Childminder Serena is a certified Early Years Practitioner delivering the Governments Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum to 0 - 5 year olds.

Serena is a qualified Early Years Practitioner who works closely with Dorset County Council and other Early Years providers.

Alcohol and other drugs


It is my policy to keep children safe when they are in my care.


In order to do this I will ensure that neither I, nor anyone else who has contact with the children whilst at my setting, is under the influence of alcohol or any other drug which may affect our ability to care for children.


I will ensure that anyone who has contact with the children in my care whilst at my setting, who is taking medication which may affect their ability to care for children, will seek medical advice. They will only work directly with children if it is confirmed that their ability to look after the children will not be impaired.


I will ensure that alcohol and other drugs are kept safely under lock and key, away from children.


  • It is my obligation to inform you that I am on long term medication (Levothyroxine) for Hypothyroidism.  I am regularly reviewed by my General Practitioner (GP) and my medication is stored away from any areas the children access.  This condition DOES NOT affect my ability to care for children.

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