SomeActivities linked with

Some meals prepared using recipes from the British Heart Foundation.


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Mrs Serena Somerville Cert EYP

Quality Assured

Lost Child#


Offering Government funded Early Education as well as Great Quality Personal Home from Home Childcare!

Not ‘just’ a Childminder Serena is a certified Early Years Practitioner delivering the Governments Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum to 0 - 5 year olds.

Serena is a qualified Early Years Practitioner who works closely with Dorset County Council and other Early Years providers.

Procedure if a child is lost or goes missing


I will safely supervise children when we go on outings or trips, and undertake a risk assessment.


I will teach the children about safety when we are out and about and tell them what to do if they do become lost according to their age and stage of development; e.g. stay where they are, meet up at a certain place, use their mobile phone to summon help.


If a child goes missing, I will tell the police, provide a description and search the area.


If a child goes missing in a public place e.g. a library, park, shop or shopping centre I will also alert the staff and security staff.

Then, I will contact the parents and Ofsted (in England).

Other children in my care will be kept with me and reassured.


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